Information Security
Protecting your personal information is of the utmost importance to us and is something we take very seriously. Every associate works hard to keep your banking experience easy and convenient while taking the necessary precautions to protect your personal information. However, protecting you and your information requires both the bank and our customers working together.
This page is designed to share how we protect you as well as ways you can protect yourself. We value the trust you've placed in us to meet your financial needs and protect you, your information, and your identity.
Commitment to Security
Peoples Bank of Alabama will NEVER request personal information by email or text message including account number, passwords, personal identification information or any other confidential customer information. Fraudulent emails may be designed to appear as though they are originated by Peoples Bank of Alabama. Do not respond to any email communication that requests any type of personal or confidential information and do not go to any links listed on that email. Emails of this nature are not originated by Peoples Bank. Never give out information that the bank already has to anyone. If you contact us, we may verify the last 4 digits of your SSN or other transactional information to confirm your identity, but we will never contact you and ask for your debit card number or your full SSN. If we need to contact you, it will always be done in a manner that protects your personal confidential information and we work diligently to do so. We always work with the local regulatory and law enforcement departments to be certain any type of illegal activity is stopped as soon as possible. We have multi-layer security to protect your confidential information and will continue to be vigilant in protecting it.

Setup Alerts for Almost Instant Notifications
One of the best ways to protect your accounts is to setup alerts through online and mobile banking. These alerts can be delivered via email, text or push notification. With push notifications, you know what's going on with your accounts right on your phone almost instantly without having to sign-in.
Protect Your Debit Card with MyCardRulesTM
With the MyCardRules™ App, you get almost total control over your debit card. Available for both Apple® and Android™ devices, our app gives you the ability to:
- Turn your card On or Off
- Set transaction spending limits
- Get instant alerts
- Restrict usage based on location
- Set parental controls & monitoring

Types of bank fraud
Peoples Bank of Alabama will never contact you for information via email, telephone, or any other method. Be aware of suspicious email and other communications; If you receive an email claiming to be from Peoples Bank asking for account information, please do not reply or follow any links contained in the email. This is a technique called "phishing".
Phishing is an attempt to fraudulently acquire sensitive information, such as passwords and account details, by masquerading as a trustworthy person or business in an apparently official electronic communication, such as an email or instant message.
Phishing emails can have a variety of appearances, but the below graphic provides some key things to help you spot a phishing email.

For more information on Phishing and other security protections, visit the FTC’s Privacy, Identity & Online Security page.
Person 2 Person Fraud
More and more people are turning to services called Person 2 Person (P2P) to send money to friends and family. This convenient service allows users to send money almost instantly to just about anyone. As these services become more and more popular, fraudsters are working hard to scam users.
Here are just a few of the red flags to help you detect fraud or a scam:
- The person contacting you about a problem with your bank account is pushy or aggressive.
- They insist there's no other way to fix the problem than following their instructions.
- If it is a text or email, their message has grammatical errors.
By following the safety tips below, you can better protect yourself from scams and fraud:
- DO NOT call the number in the text, email, or voice mail, as it will connect you with the scammers.
- If you received a message from someone claiming a problem with your account, look up the bank's phone number yourself and call them.
- REMEMBER, Peoples Bank of Alabama will NEVER call you asking you for your security code, your account number, your PIN number or any personal identifying information.
- KEEP personal information confidential. NEVER disclose your login credentials, passwords, PIN numbers, account numbers, etc. This is the best practice for everything, not just P2P.
- Utilize features such as multi-factor authentication and bio-metric recognition. Peoples Bank of Alabama online banking offers face recognition as one way to better protect your login credentials to your accounts.
If you feel that you have been scammed, report it! First, to the P2P service then to the FTC. With the information provided, the FTC can work to build a case against the scammers. Report scams to the FTC
Scams come in many different forms. A Phishing email is a common way, but not the only one. The best method for detecting a scam is if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. Some common types of scams include: Charity Scams, Money Transfer Scams, Phone Scams, Prize or Sweepstakes Scams, and Debt Relief Scams.
While types of scams can change, taking the below precautions can help you avoid becoming a victim.
- Don’t accept checks, cashier’s checks, money orders, or electronic fund transfers sent to you with requests for you to wire back part of the money
- Avoid unsolicited offers that require you to act fast
- If someone demands secrecy, it’s most likely a scam
- Exercise extra caution when donating money after a disaster - only donate to legitimate charitable organizations that you contact first
- If you didn’t register for a sweepstakes or prize drawing, chances are you didn’t win one
- Legitimate debt relief companies won’t make you pay up front; doing so is illegal
For more information on cybersecurity, visit the FDIC’s A Bank Customer’s Guide to Cybersecurity.
Stay up to date on the latest Scams by visiting the Federal Trade Commission’s Scams page.
Malware is shorthand for malicious software. It is software developed by cyber attackers with the intention of gaining access or causing damage to a computer or network, often while the victim remains oblivious to the fact there's been a compromise. Today these attacks usually occur by the victim clicking a link in an email or opening an attachment from an unknown sender.
To protect yourself from these types of attacks, some of the most basic cyber security practices can go a long way.
- Keep your Operating Systems and software patches up to date
- Use a security software and keep it updated
- NEVER click on links or open attachments in emails from unknown sources
- Only download content from trusted websites
- Use strong passwords and log out of websites after you're done
- Never use any unknown data storage device (USB flash drive, DVD/CD, external hard drive, etc.)
Malware is an increasingly dangerous threat. To learn more visit the FTC’s Malware page.
Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when someone steals your personal information - to take over your credit accounts, to open new ones, to take out a loan, to access bank accounts, or to commit many other crimes using your identity.
Lost or Stolen Cards
Whether you've misplaced, lost, or had your debit/credit card stolen, we are here to help. Learn more about steps you can take to prevent fraud by reading the Fraud Prevention Article below or visit our Report Lost Card page by clicking Learn More.
Elder Abuse
Exploiting our elderly citizens is an unfortunate but rampant form of theft occurring today.
To report suspected elder abuse, neglect, or exploitation in Alabama:
- 800-458-7214 (for suspected elder mistreatment in the home and in long-term care facilities)
- 800-356-9596 (for suspected abuse in nursing home settings)
You may also contact your local Alabama Department of Human Resources county office. Click below to find your local office.
Pass it On
The Federal Trade Commission works hard to provide resources for individuals on recognizing, preventing and reporting identity theft and other scams. They have developed a special campaign called ... Pass it ON. This campaign empowers individuals to leverage their current relationships to share important information that could help someone they know.
Resources include:
- Articles
- Presentations
- Videos
- Activities