Purchase With a Purpose 2024

For every purchase made with a Peoples Bank Discover® debit card between November 1st and November 30th, $1 will be donated to local non-profit organizations – up to a total of $20,000. The following organizations, one in each county we serve, will receive donations from this campaign:
- Madison County – Heals, Inc. is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization located in Huntsville. They are dedicated to providing accessible, quality, school-based primary health care for low-income children through collaborative efforts with the Huntsville City/Madison County school systems and the medical community. http://www.healsinc.org
- Morgan County – FACES, Families and Children Experiencing Separation in Morgan County. “Our mission is to meet the needs of children in foster care or at risk of being placed in foster care.” FACES was established in 1951 to meet emergency medical and health needs of abused and neglected children in Morgan County. https://www.facesofmorganco.org
- Etowah County – James M. Barrie Center for Children. The Barrie Center mission is to provide a child friendly center for the facilitation of a multidisciplinary team response for the investigation and intervention of child sexual and/or physical abuse as well as criminal neglect in child death cases. The Barrie Center provides support and advocacy through the process of investigation, intervention and the judicial process. https://etowahda.com/the-james-m-barrie-center/
- Cherokee County – Family Care Food Bank https://familycarefoodbank.com. Family Care Center is a nonprofit 501c3 organization with the purpose of feeding and clothing those in need in Cherokee County, Alabama. Family Care Center started in 2008 feeding just 35 families per week, it has now grown into a large operation assisting over 500 families a month.
- Cullman County – Cullman Caring for Kids was created to see the next generation loved, encouraged, physically and emotionally prepared to face life, and feel wanted and needed in their world. Their mission is to stop the cycle of abuse and neglect, by putting love in their hearts, food in their stomach, and smiles on their faces. https://www.cullmancaringforkids.com
- Blount County – The Hope House Inc. was established with the objective to provide food, clothing, shelter, and substance abuse rehabilitation programs to the Blount County area. https://myhopehouse.org
- Marshall County – Neighborhood Bridges launched in January of 2017 to respond to the growing rate of poverty in suburban and rural America. Their mission is to create a gateway for kindness. 100% of what is raised in each community...remains in each community. http://neighborhoodbridges.org/community/boaz-al
- Jefferson County – Serving You Ministries. The mission of Serving You Food Pantry is giving hope to families in the greater Birmingham area by providing sustainable solutions to challenges they face. They assist in education, child care, job readiness, safe and affordable housing, health and nutrition, and crisis relief through hub partnerships. https://www.servingyou.org/
- Shelby County – Safe House provides shelter services to women and children who have been victims of domestic violence. Additionally: counseling, legal assistance, court advocacy, case management and community education are available. www.safehouse.org.
Thank you for partnering with us as we give back to these worthy non-profit organizations!