Save A Little, Gain A Lot

January is the time of year to set new goals, make plans for the year, and maybe change some bad habits. Because Peoples Bank cares about your financial well-being, we offer resources and services to help simplify your goals and aid in creating good habits.
We just came through the holiday season and it will be here again before we know it. Saving for the added expenses during the holidays is a smart choice, but it’s not always an easy one. Our Christmas Club account takes a little of the work out of the process. Once the account is opened, you choose the amount to save each month or each pay period, you choose the date the funds are transferred, and that amount is automatically withdrawn from your checking account and dropped into your Christmas Club account for safe keeping. Then, just in time for Black Friday, those funds are transferred back into your checking account to use during the holiday season.
Imagine the possibilities if you get started in January:
SAVE: | $50 per month | RECEIVE MID-NOV: | $550 plus interest |
SAVE: | $100 per month | RECEIVE MID-NOV: | $1100 plus interest |
SAVE: | $200 per month | RECEIVE MID-NOV: | $2200 plus interest |
As with any bank account you open, there are a few steps to keep in mind as you consider this option:
- $25 minimum deposit to open
- Set up automatic deposits weekly, bi-weekly or monthly
- Competitive rate of interest earned
- Early closeout fee of $20.00 (no partial withdrawals)
Christmas 2021 could be a little easier on the budget if you take the plunge now to put a little away at a time. What are you waiting for? Open an account today!
Existing Customers New Customers
For information on other savings accounts we offer visit